Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Three Ideals from NAEYC and DEC

I-1.3—To recognize and respect the unique qualities,
abilities, and potential of each child.
This is a very important ideal to remember and respect because each year when children come to a program, they are like a clean slate. We have no bias about them and we are able to get to know them without influential information other than necessary. Each child is and always will be unique. 

P-3A.1—We shall recognize the contributions of colleagues
to our program and not participate in practices
that diminish their reputations or impair their
effectiveness in working with children and families.

Our program is taking on transformations this year with a new 4 year old teacher and 2 new assistants. Since I have been an assistant in a preschool, I have so much respect for my colleagues. It is not always an easy job to do and I welcome their presence in the classroom. I am hoping that we can all collaborate together and gather some terrific ideas for our school year.

We shall empower families with information and resources so that they are informed consumers
of services for their children. 
Many families are not aware or are unable to find the sources needed for their children. When questions arise, families need to have that information available and accessible. As a teacher, I feel a responsibility to finding and providing sources to all families.