Saturday, October 29, 2011

Child Development in Quotes

"Many things we need can wait. The child cannot. Now is the time his bones are formed, his mind developed. To him we cannot say tomorrow, his name is today."
— Gabriela Mistral

"How children feel and interact is as important to their competence and success as how well they think. This has obviously very important implications for both how people raise their children, how they care for other people's children, and how we invest public funds. Thinking and feeling go hand in hand. It's not to say that thinking is less important, just not more important."
— Dr. Jack Shonkoff, Brandeis University

I found these quotes at and thought they summed up child development quite nicely. We have learned a great deal about how children develop and what is important during it. We also know that there are many outside influences that can affect and impact development. 

Thank you everyone for another great class and I hope we meet again in another one!


  1. Dear Lori,

    Interesting quotes! I had not heard either before--but so true.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and I thank you for your interesting and insightful posts.

    Best of luck in your future Walden classes--I hope we meet again!

    Stay well,

  2. Lori,
    Thank you so much for your meaningful comments on my blog. I only had three followers so they were extremely important to me. I love the quote by Mistral. Children develop in each stage so quickly, it is true we cannot say "wait."

  3. I love the Gabriela Mistral quote. During this previous month I learned that I need to live my life as there's no tomorrow. Good Luck and thanks for sharing :)

  4. Great quotes. I hope you really enjoyed the course and that I see you in our next one. Have a great Halloween!
