There are Links to Related Organizations that has 18 organizations listed. There are web sites from Australia and Canda as well.
I chose to explore the Australia Early Childhood Association. This website and organization remind me of our own National Association for the Education of Young Children. You can research everything from magazines to books to newsletters relating to every issue young children face.
What new information is available?
This organization has really been pushing to get early childhood educators into the forefront of why educating young children is so important and that quality is a necessity in this area.
I think this website is mainly focused on the educators themselves and how to become a better teacher. There are resources and conferences that allow teachers to learn more about the importance of educating young children. There are grants and scholarships available as well.
I found it interesting to see which states are very active in this organization and what they are doing to better their teachers and the children. I think that personally you have to be motivated to get involved in this organization and find others in your state. I don't think that every state is sharing information about its progress. I hoped to find more but many have not been updated for over a year.
National Association of Early Childhood Educators.
Very informative post Lori. This sounds like a resource we all could use, although it is overseas. We all can learn from one another. That is what education is all about, learning from others...