Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 6 - Adjourning

 Are high-performing groups hardest to leave?

I would have to say yes because all the components to make that group experience worthwhile was present.

Groups with the clearest established norms?

Again I would say yes if you are the type of person who needs those norms established. I think for most of us, myself included, that organization and clear expectations help all of us know what is exactly expected of us.

Which of the groups that you participated in was hardest to leave? Why? What sorts of closing rituals have you experienced or wish you had experienced?

I think the hardest group for me to leave was the group of people I went to college with the second time. I was a non-traditional student (40!) and became sort of the "mother hen" to many of the students who were much younger than me! I walked through the arches on the campus when I first started and I walked through them on graduation day which put a closure on my college experience.

 How do you imagine that you will adjourn from the group of colleagues you have formed while working on your master's degree in this program? Why is adjourning an essential stage of teamwork?

I will definitely tell everyone thank you and best wishes as they journey into their professions. It helps to put closure on people that we have worked with. It also gives you a sense of pride in the work a group has accomplished!


  1. Lori,

    Before reading your post, I just responded to someone else about how hard it was for me to leave my college group. I think it was because I went to a small university and the education majors were in the same classes together. We would collaborate on our own to discuss assignments and help each other. We had several adjourning sessions during our last class. After each class we would go to dinner. I miss those days.

    Thank You for Sharing,

  2. Lori, I, like you, am a late learner. I got my BA at 50!! I remember the first English 101 class that I had. The young girl sitting next to me in that class was just a gem! I helped her with life problems and she helped me with pronouns :)

  3. One thing for sure Lisa, you're never too old to make friends.You're no mother hen, you're a woman of wisdom and knowledge. Keep up the good work.
