Saturday, November 17, 2012

  • If you have ever used or heard homophobic terms such as "fag," "gay," "homo," "sissy," "tom boy," or "lesbo" as an insult by a child toward another child? Or, by an adult toward a child? Describe what occurred. How might these types of comments influence all children? (Note: if you have not had a personal experience, ask a family member, friend, or colleague)

  • I heard the boys at recess playing and making comments like "That's so gay." I was not sure I heard them correctly the first time because I was shocked.  When they said it the second time I asked them why they thought the game was gay. They just kept saying it was stupid. Next I asked them why they used the word gay? They really could not tell me anything specific. I think they had overheard it used with their older siblings.

  • Any other related situations, thoughts, concerns, questions, and/or areas of discomfort you would like to share related to children, gender, and sexual orientation

  • I have 2 dollhouses and a Disney Princess Castle in my classroom and my boys play with these things all the time. I also see the boys playing with the dolls and dressing up in skirts in the dramatic play area. I do not have a concern but I have seen parents freak out when they see their child, especially a boy, playing with these toys. I feel that boys should have the opportunity to play with these toys without being judged. I tell parents that they are learning to be nurturing and are exploring, especially since some of the boys do not have a sister. The girls in the class will be the prince and the boys will be the princess. I do not feel it is my place to step in and stop that kind of playing because they are using their imaginations and their role playing skills.

    Since I work in a Catholic school, the issue of homophobia is a closed subject. It is difficult to address this issue because of the beliefs in the Catholic faith. I think that people have a right to their preference but I really don't think I will face this anytime soon. I could be wrong but it's a subject that is not addressed or discussed.

    Laureate Education, Inc. (2011). (Executive Producer). Learning from another's life story:Families and children. {Webcast}. Baltimore, MD: Author.